4 Things You Should Know About Dental Implants Posts

Dental Implants Grayslake, IL

If the idea of getting dental implants intrigues you, it may be time to speak to your dentist about this treatment. You need sturdy teeth for good oral health, as well as to eat and smile normally. Implants not only improve your mouth’s function but will also look just like your natural teeth.

Typical patients

While dental implants may not be the right solution for all people who lose teeth, many patients choose this method. Often, a person who has lost one or a few teeth will prefer this treatment over others such as partial dentures or a bridge. The benefits include the following:

  • Implants last longer than other options, usually 20 years or more
  • This treatment can provide stability in the mouth
  • These artificial teeth can improve the shape of the mouth

The posts are strong

When a patient chooses dental implants over another method, the person can have peace of mind knowing that the posts are not easily susceptible to breaking. The posts are made of titanium, which is the same material doctors use for artificial shoulders or knee replacements. The person should be able to resume eating most foods without fear that the posts will wear away or fall out.

The dental implant posts act as the tooth’s root

Much like a post is used in fences to provide a stable foundation, a dental implant post strengthens the entire implant. A dentist will place the post deep into the jaw where it fuses with the bone. This process can take several months but is effective and will not affect the health of the surrounding teeth.

The posts work with other parts of the implants

The dental implant posts resemble a screw and act as an anchor for the artificial teeth. The dentist will eventually place a connector, also known as an abutment or post extension, to the post. On this, the dentist will place a crown. The crown is custom-made to closely resemble the shape and color of the patient’s remaining natural teeth.

The process can be extensive

Before a person chooses implants, it is important to understand that the process is not quick. It requires invasive surgery in at least two steps. Sometimes, the entire procedure can take place over eight months. To insert the posts, the dentist must make an incision in the person’s gums. The abutment is not placed until the gums have healed completely. There is also a healing period once the dentist secures the abutment to the post. Wait time between each step will vary from patient to patient and will depend on how fast the bone and post work together.

Choose carefully

Your oral health and wellness are critical to your overall well-being. If you feel good about this lengthy process, talk to your dentist about getting dental implants. This solution can improve the way your mouth looks and functions. Make an appointment today so you can start on the road to getting the smile you want.

Are you considering getting implants in the Grayslake area? Get more information at https://grayslake.brightsmile-dental.net.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Implants in Grayslake, IL.

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